A valuable resource for
parents and children alike.

Billy Moss’s world is full of wondrous adventure! He loves to explore, but sometimes the world gets overwhelming.
That’s when Billy’s butterflies visit. Join Billy (and his butterflies) as they navigate the special adventure of starting school.

Children aged 3+ will love this story of friendship, resilience and overcoming challenges. They’ll delight in the beautiful illustrations from Winona Kieslich.

Highly sensitive children, or those who struggle with new things, may recognise themselves in the pages, & find validation and solidarity in Billy’s experiences. The book is also for parents raising highly sensitive children, and for those who are highly sensitive themselves and perhaps grew up without that trait being understood or celebrated in the ways it should be.

  • Rachel Samson, Clinical Psychologist @australianpsychologist

    “This beautiful book will be a valuable resource for parents and children alike.

    Every now and then a book comes along that you wish every school, every therapy practice, and every home had a copy of -- Billy's Brilliant Butterflies is one of those books. The weaving together of story, art, and education will make the information in this book accessible to both sensitive children and those who care for them.”

  • Emily Hanlon, Clinical Psychologist @theplayfulpsychologist

    “Highly sensitive children are often misunderstood, but this book offers a wonderful way to bridge that gap. If you or your child is finding it hard to articulate what it means to be highly sensitive, this book is an invaluable addition to your library. Jaquie expertly explores the various aspects of being highly sensitive, guiding readers to understand these traits within themselves. It's a must-have for any family navigating the complexities of sensitivities in everyday life.”

  • Renée Melizza, Author @renee.melizza

    “Jacquie has found a way to so elegantly articulate the utter beauty that is the highly sensitive child. In such a way that adults and children from all walks can better understand and appreciate the incredible qualities they possess. It's written with much heart that can truly be felt throughout these lines. It is so needed! Highly recommend.”

  • Lauren Conley, Speech Pathologist @stutterfreekids

    “If you have a highly sensitive child, you need this book in your home. Finding a children's book that so beautifully illustrates the gifts of our highly sensitive children is a rare thing and is so needed to help our sensitive little ones better understand themselves. Jacqui seamlessly weaves together the nuances of what it means to be a highly sensitive child with delightful pictures and engaging phrasing that your child will love to listen to again and again. A new family favourite!”

  • Ingerlise Svalang, Founder of Twenty One Gifts @twentyonegifts

    “As a mum, whenever I’m lost, I look to Jacquie Ward’s brave space. Her deep insight and compassionate perspective on raising highly sensitive humans helps parents not only understand our children more, but connect deeper with them, ourselves and the world around us. Through evidence-based storytelling, Jacquie builds community and connection - and with her first children’s book, little humans are invited into her universe where kindness rules. Billy’s Brilliant Butterflies is like a warm hug to fluttering hearts, packed with practical tips for how to be gentle and kind with ourselves and others. And the biggest gift? The feeling of being seen, because let’s face it - new adventures can feel overwhelming for big and small readers alike.”

“There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world. Love of books is the best of all.” ― Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

“There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world. Love of books is the best of all.” ― Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

Jacquie Ward, author of Billy’s Brilliant Butterflies, reading a book during a meet-the-author session, sharing her passion for helping children navigate emotions through storytelling.

Meet the Author.

Jacquie Ward is a Provisional Psychologist who is lucky enough to work exclusively with children, adolescents, and their families. She is also a Mama to three young children, who have taught her more about Psychology than the many textbooks she owns.

When Jacquie isn’t chasing her family around at the beach, there’s a good chance you’ll find her drinking coffee or escaping to a yoga class for a hit of peace amongst the joyful chaos that is family life. Bookshops are her ‘happy place’ and so she’s thrilled to introduce her first ever title to the world.